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AGRI_ΕΧ1 – Agricultural Nematology

Course Content


  1. Introduction to the basics of nematology
  2. Anatomy and Morphology of nematodes
  3. Physiology and relationships of nematodes with biotic and abiotic factors
  4. Root-knot Nematodes
  5. Cyst nematodes
  6. Root-rot nematodes
  7. Stem and bulb nematodes
  8. Nematodes of the aerial part of plants
  9. Nematodes of ornamental plants and lawns
  10. Nematodes of forest plant species
  11. Entomopathogenic nematodes
  12. Sampling and extraction of plant parasitic / entomopathogenic nematodes
  13. Principles and methods of plant parasitic nematode management

Laboratory exercises

  1. Field practice: Soil and plant tissue sampling
  2. Methods for nematode extraction from soil and plant samples
  3. Demonstration of identification methods (classical morphometry and molecular techniques)
  4. Observation of nematodes of agricultural importance (cyst, root-knot nematodes, ectoparasitic species, entomopathogenic nematodes, etc.)
  5. Methods of culturing entomopathogenic nematodes in the laboratory and demonstration of application for insect control.
  6. Field practice: Demonstration of nematode management of harmful species of agricultural importance.

AGRI_ΕΧ2 – Plant Propagation

Course Content


  1. Introduction to plant propagation technology. Design and management of plant propagation facilities. Regulatory process to import plant propagation material from European Union and non-EU countries. Quality assurance and genetic ID of plant propagated material.
  2. Seed formation and morphology. Development and formation of female and male gametophyte, fertilization, incompatibility, apomixis and seed maturity index.
  3. Seed germination mechanism. Seed dormancy and seed viability. Applied techniques for seed dormancy and germination control.
  4. Seed production for self-fertile and self-sterile plant species.
  5. Quality assurance and seed certification. Genetic purity checks, germination and growth checks, varietal identification. Seed coating technology.
  6. Layering and cutting plant propagation. Physiology and anatomy of adventitious roots; factors which affect root formation.
  7. Techniques for layering and cutting plant propagation. Techniques using root growth regulators. Qualitative and genetic fidelity checks.
  8. Plant grafting. Success factors, incompatibility, rootstocks, relations scion/rootstock.
  9. Plant grafting techniques. Budding and grafting.
  10. Plant tissue culture. Facilities and technology requirements. Operational management, nutritive solutions, in/out facility phytosanitary requirements and regimes.
  11. Plant tissue culture. Processes, environmental control per stage, explants hardening.
  12. Specialized techniques for plant tissue culture, micrografting.
  13. Tuber and bulb upscale production. Physiology and mechanism of bulb / tuber formation.  Anatomical changes, factors affecting formation. Characterization of mature scaling, harvest and postharvest conditioning.  

Laboratory exercises

  1. Breaking seed dormancy techniques
  2. Seed quality control
  3. Cutting plant propagation
  4. Layering plant propagation
  5. Plant budding and grafting
  6. Plant tissue culture

AGRI_ΕΧ3 – Composting & Soil Organic Matter

Course Content


Introduction to soil organic matter (2 lectures):

  • The importance of organic matter in the soil-plant system
  • Humification
  • Sources of organic matter

Humus fractions (2 lectures):

  • Humic Acids – soil fertility
  • Fulvic Acids – pollutants transportation
  • Humin – Carbon sequestration and GHG retention in soil

Soil organic matter analysis (2 lectures):

  • Analytical Techniques
  • Spectroscopic Techniques
  • Chromatographic Techniques
  • Molecular Techniques

The Molecular Nature and Properties of Soil Organic Matter (2 Lectures):

  • The physicochemical colloidal properties of humus
  • The biochemical properties of humus
  • The biogeochemical system of the rhizosphere

Methods and techniques of soil organic matter production Compost (2 Lectures):

  • With natural mechanisms-composting
  • With molecular chemical activators
  • Biochemically via enzyme catalysis

Utilization of composted soil organic matter: The natural fractions – humic and fulvic acids (2 Lectures):• Improving the fertility of problematic soils• Consolidation and restoration of agricultural systems• Plant growth biostimulationEnvironmental ecotoxicity of organic soil conditioners (Biochar, compost, etc.) (1 Lecture)

Laboratory exercises

  1. Methods and techniques of soil organic matter production. Composting process and techniques-Types of composting: aerobic/anaerobic composting procese and worm composting.
  2. Organic waste composting machines-types and operation
  3. Sampling from a Compost Pile, Measuring Oxygen Concentration and Temperature, Determining Moisture Content
  4. Determining Organic Matter, Volatile Solids, Ash Content
  5. Determining Bulk Density and Air-Filled Pore Space
  6. Measuring Static Pressure and Determining Fan Airflow
  7. Calculating Optimal Mixing Ratios
  8. pH and Soluble Salts.
  9. Toxicity evaluation of compost. Sustainable sanitation techniques
  10. Εvaluatinon of compost on the composition of soil microbial communities. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA analysis)
  11. Extraction, Isolation, and Identification of Bioactive Compounds: Humic and Fulvic substances from Compost
  12. Humification of compost for agricurture use and encapsulation of nutrient (Bio-fertilizers)
  13. Compost Bioassay

AGRI_ΕΧ4 – Landscape Architecture

Course Content


  1. Historical development of gardens, horticulture and landscape architecture.
  2. Definitions of landscape, landscape architecture, hard and soft materials, Goals and work of planning. Thermal comfort.
  3. Analysis of the objective bases of Aesthetics: line, texture, form, color.
  4. Analysis of the principles of design: Repetition, Contrast, Dominance, Rhythm, Harmony, Unity.
  5. Analysis of functional characteristics of open spaces: the Boundary, the Connection Area, the Intermediate Space, the Pole of Attraction, the Continuity.
  6. Lecture on site analysis, Master Plan
  7. Bioclimatic Design of open spaces
  8. Lecture on Lawns
  9. Lecture on Rock Gardens
  10. Lecture on Planted Roofs, Green walls.
  11. Lecture on Parks
  12. Lecture on Lighting and irrigation of open spaces
  13. Budget – PRS prices, tender documents.

Laboratory exercises

  1. Studio: Design with line drawing equipment: Mapping of plot or open space. Domestication with plan design of hard materials and a variety of plants, individually, in rows of trees, clumps of flowers, etc. Choice of scale. Construction of a memorandum with the study data and pre-measurement.
  2. Step by Step Designing a Large Garden Theme. Mapping, site analysis, Master plan, planting plan.
  3. Execution by the students of small constructions on the farm site and sowing of turf.
  4. Introduction to designing with Autocad.1. Floor plans.
  5. Design with Autocad. 2. Import textures.
  6. Design with Autocad. 3. Introduction of 2D and 3D plants.

AGRI_ΕΧ5 – Tropical, Subtropical Fruit Trees and Small Fruits

Course Content


  1. Economic approaches on citrus species cultivation. Botanic taxonomy, citrus species tree anatomy.
  2. Orchard design and establishment, climate and soil requirements for Citrus species.
  3. Citrus propagation, rootstock selection per edible citrus species.
  4. Planting systems for Citrus species; pruning and training systems
  5. Water and soil management for citrus orchards. Nutritional requirements, fertilization plans and their effect on fruit quality.
  6. Fruit set, fruit growth, practices and treatments for superior quality of Citrus fruits (thinning, growth regulators).
  7. Maturity scaling of Citrus fruits, harvest, postharvest treatments.
  8. Special requirements for cultivation of orange, lemon, tangerine and other citrus fruit trees. Morphological characteristics and commercial varieties.
  9. Identification and management of abiotic and biotic risks in citrus orchards.
  10. Cultivation of small fruit trees (strawberry, blackberry). Morphological characteristics, ecological requirements, cultivational practices from establishment to harvest.
  11. Cultivation of small fruit trees (chokeberry, Sea buckthorn, Goji Berries, European blueberry). Morphological characteristics, ecological requirements, cultivational practices from establishment to harvest.
  12. Cultivation of banana trees and avocado. Morphological characteristics, ecological requirements, cultivational practices from establishment to harvest.
  13. Cultivation of Carob tree, Prickly Pear and other tropical species. Morphological characteristics, ecological requirements, cultivational practices from establishment to harvest.

Laboratory exercises

  1. Species identification. Citrus tree morphology.
  2. Pruning and other cultivational practices on Citrus species.
  3. Establishment plan for Citrus and other related subtropical fruit trees.
  4. Establishment of strawberry and small fruits trees plantation.
  5. Postharvest processes and treatments for citrus and subtropic fruits; qualitative characterization.
  6. Physiological disorders of tropical, subtropical and small tree fruits.

AGRI_ΕΧ6 – Greenhouse Crop Protection

Course Content


  1. General approaches on economic importance of greenhouse vegetable production; emerging strong points, problems and forthcoming challenges for the agrifood affiliated sector.
  2. Greenhouse tomato cultivation techniques (I).
  3. Greenhouse tomato cultivation techniques (II).
  4. Greenhouse pepper cultivation techniques (I).
  5. Greenhouse pepper cultivation techniques (II).
  6. Greenhouse eggplant cultivation techniques.
  7. Greenhouse cucumber cultivation techniques.
  8. Greenhouse zucchini cultivation techniques.
  9. Greenhouse melon cultivation techniques (I).
  10. Greenhouse melon cultivation techniques (II).
  11. Greenhouse watermelon cultivation techniques.
  12. Greenhouse bean cultivation techniques.
  13. Greenhouse lettuce cultivation techniques.

Laboratory exercises  

  • Solanaceae propagation (tomato, eggplant, pepper).
  • Curcubitaceae (cucumber, watermelon, melon, zucchini).
  • Lettuce propagation.
  • Tomato pruning, tying up and support.
  • Pepper and eggplant pruning, tying up and support.
  • Cucumber, watermelon and mellon pruning, tying up and support.

AGRI_ΕΧ7 – Valorisation of Agricultural Residual Biomass

Course Content


  1. Introduction. Presentation of the thematic units of the course
  2. Extraction methods for the production of vitamin preparations and biofuels
  3. Residual biomass: Weeds, wild vegetation, nettle, equisetume
  4. Residual biomass: Residues from olive pruning and olive leaves during olive collection
  5. Residual biomass of canning and juice making.
  6. Residual biomass from pits and skins of fruits and nuts.
  7. Production of vitamin herbal preparations for human use: Methods and control.
  8. Production of herbal preparations with phytoprotective action: Production and application methods.
  9. Production of biofuels using primary material and/or extraction residues
  10. Collection of wild olive leaves from the area and extraction (percolation) to produce value-added products
  11. Methods of production of aromatic extracts/distillates
  12. Methods of production of adsorbents
  13. Integrated processes.

AGRI_ΕΧ8 – Advanced Viticulture

Course Content


  • The grape as a raw material for vine products (chemical composition, ripening process, factors affecting ripening and quality-terroir, technological maturity, determination of harvest time).
  • Chemical composition of grape: Sugars. Organic acids. Phenolic compounds. Volatile compounds. Alcoholic degree. Nutritional value.
  • Quality characteristics of winemaking varieties and harvesting techniques.
  • Quality characteristics of rraisin varieties and harvesting techniques.
  • Raisin quality characteristics.
  • Quality characters of table varieties and harvesting techniques. Quality characters of table grapes.
  • Drying grapes (Stages of drying, Speed ​​of drying, factors affecting the speed of drying, Alkaline solutions, determination of the appropriate harvest time.
  • Determination of harvest time, Harvesting process, Dryers, productive types of raisins, Storage).
  • Industrial processing of raisins (pre-washing, Sulfurization, Washing, Humidity regulation, Cleaning and sorting, Polishing, Destemming, Packaging).
  • Production of Natural Sultana Raisin
  • Corinthian Raisin Technology (Effect of the degree of ripeness on the quality of the raisin, Harvesting process, Dryers, Collection and Storage of the Raisin
  • Industrial Processing of Corinthian Raisins (Agglomerate removal, Smelting and sorting, Washing, De-stemming,
  • Varieties of winemaking. Legislative classification of Greek wines.
  • Methodology and harvesting techniques of wine-making varieties.
  • Winemaking technologies and winemaking products.
  • The grape as raw material in relation to the quality of the wines

AGRI_ΕΧ9 – Circular Economy in Agriculture

Course Content


  1. Introduction – Definitions.
  2. Origin of circular economy.
  3. Pricinples and applications of circular economy at the global context.
  4. Circular economy: A new model for entrepreneurial growth
  5. Sustainability in linear and circular economy.
  6. Transition towards circular economy.
  7. Circular economy at small scale
  8. Circular economy and consumption. Consumer’s liability and Green Public Procurement.
  9. Circular economy and waste management. Resource recovery and minimization of negative environmental impact.
  10. Middle scale circular economy.
  11. Large scale circular economy.
  12. Collaborative consumption models.
  13. Disconnection of economic growth from environmental impact.

AGRI_ΕΧ10 – Irrigation Water Management and Quality

Course Content


  1. Concepts and components of water resources management, water resources availability and different water uses
  2. Water management authorities, Water resources development works and hydrosystems
  3. Economic and social aspects, Water pricing, Legislation framework for the protection and management of water resources
  4. Virtual water and water footprint
  5. Indicators and Environmental Standards of Water Quality.
  6. Processes and mechanisms of irrigation water interactions with the soil.
  7. Physical and chemical parameters and quality criteria for irrigation water.
  8. Design principles and techniques for sampling surface water and groundwater (Part Ι).
  9. Design principles and techniques for sampling surface water and groundwater (Part ΙΙ).
  10. Methods for determining irrigation water quality Sample analysis techniques (Part Ι).
  11. Methods for determining irrigation water quality parameters. Sample analysis techniques (Part ΙΙ).
  12. Analysis of irrigation water quality data using geographic information system (Part Ι).
  13. Analysis of irrigation water quality data using geographic information system (Part ΙΙ).

Laboratory exercises 

Laboratory exercise 1: Special Water Sampling – Irrigation water sampling

Laboratory exercise 2: Determination of water hardness, Ca2+, Mg2+, by UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometry

Laboratory exercise 3: Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfate Ions-Colorimetric Method

Laboratory exercise 4: Determination of carbonate and bicarbonate ions

Laboratory exercise 5: Implementation of geographic information system for the spatial assessment of irrigation water quality parameters (Part I)

Laboratory exercise 6: Implementation of geographic information system for the spatial assessment of irrigation water quality parameters (Part II)

Laboratory exercise 7: Recapitulation – Exemplary solution of exercises

AGRI_ΕΧ11 – Processing and Management of Soil Data

Course Content


  • Soil nutrients and availability
  • Soil microorganisms and fertility
  • Organic materials and fertility – carbon sequestration.
  • Biological and physicochemical indicators of soil quality/fertility.
  • Relationships between nutrient availability and plant growth/yield
  • The concept of fertilizer – Types of fertilizers – Properties
  • Diagnostic criteria of fertilization needs
  • Inorganic – Organic fertilization – Foliar fertilization
  • Estimation of the required quantities of fertilizers
  • Utilization of Organic Waste
  • Effect of fertilization on the quantity of production, the quality of the produced products, and human health
  • Economic view of fertilizers
  • Fertilization in the context of integrated agriculture in Greece and the European Union

Laboratory Exercises 

  • Sample preparation for soil fertility assessment – Safety measures
  • Determination of soil physical properties for assessing fertility
  • Determination of soil chemical properties for soil fertility assessment
  • Preparation and calculation of water-soluble fertilizers
  • Quality control of fertilizers
  • Identification of fertilization units

AGRI_ΕΧ12 – Analytical Techniques in Agriculture and Environment

Course Content


  • Basic Concepts in Analytical Chemistry-Real Time Analysis
  • Introduction to analytical techniques for field measurements
  • Chemical sensors
  • Chemical analysts
  • Biosensors
  • Analytical field devices
  • Design a process for monitoring quality parameters in the field
  • Specifications and supply of analytical instruments
  • Maintenance of analytical instruments
  • Calibration of analytical instruments
  • Verification of analytical instruments
  • ISO17025-Quality Assurance
  • ISO17025-Procedures for Accreditation of Analytical Methods

Laboratory Exercises

  1. Processing experimental data to assess fidelity and accura
  2. Design of an experimental procedure for the measurement of physicochemical parameters in the field (e.g. measurement of pH and conductivity in water
  3. Design of a working protocol for the measurement of physicochemical parameters in the field (e.g. measurement of pH and conductivity in water)
  4. Chemical sensors based on inorganic and organic polymers
  5. Methods of preparing thin film materials for use as sensors
  6. Chemical analyzers in chromatographic techniques
  7. Fiber optic and fluorescence biosensors
  8. Design specifications for the supply of analytical devices for recording physicochemical parameters in the field
  9. Calibration of analytical instruments-Examples of calibration
  10. Designing specifications for the verification of analytical instruments
  11. Design procedures for quality monitoring according to ISO17025
  12. Design procedures for the accreditation of analytical methods according to ISO17025

AGRI_ΕΧ13 – Agricultural Economy – Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Course Content


  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship: The Concept of Business, Types of Businesses, Concept, Types and Models of Entrepreneurship
  • Approaches to Entrepreneurship, Internal and External Environment Analysis
  • Opportunity Recognition and Entrepreneurial Creativity,
  • Agencies and Institutions that Enhance Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation: The Concept and Need for Innovation
  • Innovation and Competitive Advantage
  • Types of Innovation, Sources of Innovation
  • Innovation Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Development of New Products and Services
  • Financing of Business Ventures
  • The Business Plan

AGRI_ΕΧ14 – Geographic Information Systems and Applications in Agriculture

Course Content


  1. Introduction
  2. Digital geography principles
  3. The nature of geographic data and uncertainty
  4. Presentation of spatial concepts and data structures
  5. Reference systems and transformations
  6. Characteristics and capabilities of GIS (Part I)
  7. Characteristics and capabilities of GIS (Part II)
  8. Characteristics and capabilities of GIS (Part III)
  9. Spatial analysis (Parts I, II and III)
  10. Digital cartography
  11. Acquisition of spatial data from on-line sources

Laboratory exercises 

The GIS applications will be implemented using the open source software QGIS, which is freely available from: https://qgis.org/en/site/

  • Laboratory exercise 1: Design and implementation of cartographic database
  • Laboratory exercise 2: Georeference and projected coordinate systems – Transformations
  • Laboratory exercise 3: Digitizing of spatial entities and spatial data quality control
  • Laboratory exercise 4: Creation of digital terrain model, calculation and presentation of slope, hypsometric curves and hillshade
  • Laboratory exercise 5 Implementation of spatial interpolation methods for surface creation based on point data
  • Laboratory exercise 6: Digital map composition
  • Laboratory exercise 7: Recapitulation – Exemplary solution of exercises

Laboratory exercises 4, 5 and 6 constitute an individual case study, which is mandatory deliverable for the laboratory part of the course

AGRI_ΕΧ15 – Organic Agriculture

Course Content


  1. History of organic agriculture movements globally and in Greece.
  2. Global and national regulatory framework.
  3. Operational management and verification of organic products in Greece
  4. Organic agriculture and environmental parameters.
  5. Soil fertility and managerial ways of soil fertility to organic agriculture.
  6. Crop fertilization and nutritive elements management in organic agriculture.
  7. Fundamental principles in organic production: Soil sustainability and ecosystems.
  8. Management of plant wastes.
  9. Co-cropping, intercropping and related actions.
  10. Crop protection and agrochemicals in organic agriculture.
  11. Certification – Validation process & Checks – Transportation of organic products.
  12. Packaging, ad and promotion of organic products.
  13. Qualitative elements of organic agriculture products.

AGRI_ΕΧ16 – Strategic Planning for the Food and Agriculture Businesses

Course Content


  1. Introduction – Basic concepts of strategy
  2. External Environment Analysis
  3. Internal Environment Analysis
  4. Creating a Competitive Advantage
  5. Strategy Implementation
  6. Performance management
  7. Strategy and innovation
  8. Change management
  9. Digital business strategy
  10. Evaluation of strategies
  11. Contemporary issues of strategy
  12. Special strategic issues
  13. Case studies

AGRI_ΕΧ17 – Molecular Enzymology

Course Content


  1. General principles of enzymology (Historical review, nomenclature and classification of enzymes).
  2. Kinetics of enzymes (Basic principles of the kinetics of enzyme reactions, kinetic constants and order of enzyme reactions, equilibrium point, Michael-Menten equation, evaluation and analysis of kinetic data and kinetic constants).
  3. Effect of temperature, pH and substrate concentration on the speed of the enzyme reaction.
  4. Isotopes in the study of enzyme mechanisms.
  5. Enzyme engineering (Molecular dynamics and mechanics, structural rearrangements and movements of the enzyme molecule).
  6. Principles of reengineering the molecular and functional characteristics of the enzyme molecule.
  7. Molecular methods of in vitro directed and random mutagenesis.
  8. Design of new forms of enzymes with desired catalytic and structural characteristics, applying evolutionary principles.
  9. Methods for ultra-rapid selection of mutant enzyme forms.
  10. Hybrid and artificial enzymes.De novo creation of new functional enzymes.
  11. Chemical modification of enzymes.
  12. Applications of enzymes (Applications in Brewery, Juice factories, Wineries, Fats and oils industry, production of dairy products)
  13. Animal feed and pesticides industry.

AGRI_ΕΧ18 – Animal pests of human health stored products and wood

Course Content


  1. Stored product pests, importance and general characteristics.
  2. Primary pests of stored products and wood: Lepidoptera and Coleoptera.
  3. Secondary pests of stored products and wood: Lepidoptera and Psocoptera
  4. Secondary pests of stored products and wood: Coleoptera
  5. Mite pests of stored products
  6. Natural pest control methods
  7. Chemical Pest control methods
  8. Alternative pest control methods
  9. Dictyoptera, Siphonaptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura Psoroptidae
  10. Muscidae, Tabanidae, Psychodidae
  11. Sarcophagidae, Simuliidae, Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae), Psoroptidae, Sarcoptidae, Demodicidae, Ixodidae, Argastidae
  12. Insects and mites of urban greenery
  13. Rodentia

Laboratory exercises

  1. Sampling, identification of perfect individuals and imperfect stages of primary and secondary storage insects in various stored agricultural products and foods.
  2. Identification of main genera and species of mites in various stored agricultural products and foods.
  3. Rodents: identification of species and infestations.
  4. Insecticides, acaricides, rodenticides for animal enemies of stored agricultural products and food – special mention of fumigants. Traps for monitoring / dealing with animal enemies of stored agricultural products and food.
  5. Identification of main insects of urban interest: Dictyoptera, Siphonaptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura Psoroptidae
  6. Identification of main insects and mites of urban interest: Diptera (Muscidae, Tabanidae, Psychodidae, Sarcophagidae, Simuliidae, Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae), Psoroptidae, Sarcoptidae, Demodicidae, Ixodidae, Argastidae.

AGRI_ΕΧ19 – Integrated Agricultural Production Management

Course Content


  1. Definitions, standards, requirements and history of Integrated Management in Agricultural Production
  2. International, European and national standards for Agricultural Products
  3. Integrated Management System Certification
  4. Integrated Management System standard requirements (planning, principles of production, traceability of agricultural products)
  5. Requirements of Integrated management systems (propagating material, Cultivation, Plant nutrition, water management plan)
  6. Management of plant protection
  7. Harvesting and post harvesting
  8. Equipment and energy management
  9. Pollution management, environment, biodiversity
  10. Hygiene, safety and employee training
  11. Integrated management of horticultural crops
  12. Integrated management of tree crops
  13. Integrated management of arable crops

AGRI_ΕΧ20 – Agrobiodiversity and Plant Genetic Resources Management

Course Content


  1. Biodiversity, definition of biodiversity.
  2. Threats to Biodiversity (human activity, climatic change etc.)
  3. Protection of Biodiversity, benefits from the preservation of biodiversity
  4. Legal framework for the protection of Biodiversity (International conventions and treaties).
  5. Agrobiodiversity
  6. Threats to agrobiodiversity. Promotion of the benefits of agrobiodiversity.
  7. Recording and characterizing agrobiodiversity.
  8. Local varieties and traditional cultivars. Genetic erosion
  9. Preservation and maintenance of plant genetic resources: ex situ, in situ/on farm
  10. Plant genetic resources: their impact on the global feeding issue and the climate change
  11. International efforts, organizations and foundations for the preservation of plant genetic resources.
  12. Impact of agrobiodiversity in social culture and folk heritage.
  13. Plant genetic resources as a repository for wild genes and plant breeding

AGRI_ΕΧ21 – Quality Assurance and Certification in Agricultural Production

Course Content


  • Concepts and Definitions of Quality Management
  • Quality Assurance Systems
  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001 standards
  • The HACCP System – ISO 22000
  • Certification Procedures. (Quality Manuals, Issuing and Maintaining a Quality System Certificate, Certification Bodies)
  • The Total Quality Model
  • Similarities and Differences of Quality Assurance Systems and Total Quality Models
  • Techniques for Quality Improvement (Basic Tools of Total Quality Management: Statistical Process Control, Taguchi Analysis Techniques, other Tools)
  • Quality costs and implementation
  • Quality Systems and Consumer Behavior
  • Quality Assurance in the Rural Area
  • Applications of Quality Systems in agricultural raw production, processing and in agro-tourism.

AGRI_ΕΧ22 – Measurement Systems and Sensors in Agriculture

Course Content


  1. Introduction to sensors, introduction to measurement and control systems, sensors and their applications, use of sensors in measurement and control systems, measurement systems, openand close-loop control systems, mean value and standard deviation of measurements, measurements distribution.
  2. Sensor and measurement systems principles and characteristics: operating range, accuracy, types of error, linearity, sensitivity, resolution, hysteresis, repeatability, dead zone, response, drift, time of operation, reliability, stability.
  3. Signal conditioning and matching with passive circuit techniques: signal conditioning and matching basics, signal conditioning with potentiometer and Wheatstone bridge, matching for maximum output voltage, matching for maximum load power, maximum load power through transformer.
  4. Signal conditioning and matching with active circuit techniques I: active circuits, operational amplifier, ideal operational amplifier, inverting and non-inverting amplifier, isolator, adder, difference amplifier, instrumental amplifier.
  5. Signal conditioning and matching with active circuit techniques II: integrator, differentiator, current to voltage and voltage to current converters, voltage comparator, analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) signal converters.
  6. Temperature measurement: liquid-in-glass and liquid-in-metal thermometers, bimetallic strip, bimetallic thermometer and thermostat, electrical resistance thermometer, thermistor, Seebeck effect, thermocouple, radiation thermometers, pyrometers.
  7. Motion parameters measurement I: motion parameters measurement basics, displacement measurement instruments, linear potentiometer, linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), variable area capacitor, measurement and sensors for linear and rotary displacement (rotating potentiometer, absolute optical decoder, incremental optical decoder, absolute optical decoder).
  8. Motion parameters measurement II: DC and AC tachometers, proximity sensors (microswitches, variable magnetic resistance sensor, Hall effect sensor, optical proximity sensors), accelerometers (seismic accelerometer, piezoelectric accelerometer), strain gauge, weight and force sensors.
  9. Liquid-level measurement: liquid-level measurement typical methods, mechanical and electrical floater sensor, capacitive probe, conductive probe, ultrasonic level transceiver, air bubble level sensor, level measurement with pressure sensors.
  10. Pressure sensors: pressure measurement methods, liquid manometers, Bourdon pipe, elastic pressure sensors, capacitive pressure sensors, piezoelectric pressure sensors, pressure sensors with strain gauges, barometers.
  11. Display and recording devices for measurement systems: analog display devices, moving-coil and moving-iron meters, ohmmeter, oscilloscope, digital display devices with light-emitting diodes (LED) and liquid crystal displays (LCD).
  12. Measurement data acquisition and processing systems I: basic principles of data acquisition and processing systems, measurement transmission systems, sampling, hold and sampling circuits, multiplexing and multiplexers.
  13. Measurement data acquisition and processing systems II: serial and parallel computer interface for measurements systems, direct interface, ΙΕΕΕ and RS232 standards, analog and digital DAQ boards, measurements data acquisition, software tools for data acquisition in industrial environment and production control.

Laboratory Excercises 

Practical study of temperature sensors (thermocouple, thermistor, RTD), practical study of variable linear differential transformer and strain gauge, practical study of analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-toanalog (D/A) signal converters, practical exercises on the software tool Labview (programming with graphical user interface environment and virtual instruments, DAQ boards).

AGRI_ΕΧ23 – Farm Machinery

Course Content


  1. Agricultural mechanization
  2. Agricultural tractor and its uses
  3. Internal combustion engines (Part Ι, II)
  4. Parts of the agricultural tractor
  5. Farm machinery for soil cultivation
  6. Sowers and sowing machines
  7. Fertilizing machinery
  8. Crop protection machinery
  9. Harvesters
  10. Hay making machinery
  11. Costs and replacement of farm machinery
  12. Power of agricultural tractors and selection of agricultural implements

Laboratory exercises 

  • Laboratory exercise 1: Farm machinery for soil cultivation
  • Laboratory exercise 2: Sowers and sowing machines
  • Laboratory exercise 3: Fertilizing machinery
  • Laboratory exercise 4: Crop protection machinery
  • Laboratory exercise 5: Costs and replacement of farm machinery
  • Laboratory exercise 6: Power of agricultural tractors and selection of agricultural implements
  • Laboratory exercise 7: Recapitulation – Exemplary solution of exercises

AGRI_ΕΧ24 – Thermal – Cooling Machines for the Preservation of Agricultural Products

Course Content


  1. Thermodynamics properties, closed and open system, flow and non-flow processes, gas laws, laws of thermodynamics, internal energy. Application of first law in heating and expansion of gases in non-flow  First law applied to steady flow process. Carnot cycle, Carnot theorem.
  2. Entropy, physical concept of entropy, change of entropy of gases in thermodynamics process. Otto, diesel and dual cycles. Principles of refrigeration, – units, terminology, and air refrigerators working on reverse  Carnot cycle and Bell Coleman cycle, open air refrigeration cycle, merit demerit of air refrigeration. Vapour  refrigeration-mechanism, P-V, P-S, P-H diagrams, vapour compression cycles, dry and wet compression,  super cooling and sub cooling.
  3. Vapour absorption refrigeration system. Common refrigerants and their properties. Design calculations for refrigeration system. Cold storage plants. Thermodynamic properties of moist air, perfect gas relationship for approximate calculation, adiabatic saturation process, wet bulb temperature and its measurement.
  4. Psychometric chart and its use, elementary psychometric process. Air conditioning – principles –Type and functions of air conditioning, physiological principles in air conditioning, air distribution and duct design 
  5. Fundamentals of design of complete air conditioning systems – humidifiers and dehumidifiers – cooling load calculations, types of air conditioners – applications,
  6. Food preservation, Domestic refrigerators, commercial refrigerators, method of Food freezing. Study of cold storage for fruits and vegetable, freezing load and time calculations for food materials, study of window air  conditioners repair and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems and chilling or ice making and cold storage plants
  7. Moisture content and methods for determination, importance of EMC and methods of its determination, EMC curve and EMC model, principle of drying, theory of diffusion, mechanism of drying- falling rate,  constant rate, thin layer, deep bed and their analysis, critical moisture content, drying models.
  8. Calculation of drying air temperature and air flow rate, air pressure within the grain bed, Shred’s and Hukill’s curve, different methods of drying including puff drying, foam mat drying, freeze drying, etc.
  9. Study of different types of dryers- performance, energy utilization pattern and efficiency, study of drying and dehydration of agricultural products.
  10. Types and causes of spoilage in storage, conditions for storage of perishable products, functional requirements of storage, control of temperature and relative humidities inside storage, calculation of  refrigeration load; modified atmospheric storage and control of its Environment, air movement inside the  storage,
  11. Storage of grains: destructive agents, respiration of grains, moisture and temperature changes in stored grains; conditioning of environment inside storage through natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation,  artificial drying, traditional, improved and modern grain storage structures, warehouse – design and control of  environment
  12. Storage of cereal grains and their products, storage of seeds, hermetically sealed and air cooled storages refrigerated, controlled atmosphere, modified atmospheric and frozen storages.
  13. Storage condition for various fruits and vegetables under cold and CAP storage system. Economic, aspects of storage

Laboratory  Exercises

  • Determination of the various components of drying systems
  • Determination of the various components of refrigeration systems
  • Experiments on working details of a cold storage plant and air conditioning unit
  • Experiment on humidifier for the determination of humidifying efficiency- dehumidifying efficiency
  • Storage condition for various fruits and vegetables under cold and drying storage system.


Course Content


  1. Apiculture: Generally about apiculture in Greece and in the world.
  2. Morphology of the honey bees.
  3. Anatomy of the honey bees.
  4. Honey bees communication and behavior – chemical stimuli.
  5. The defensive system of the honey bee. Precautions during the inspection
  6. Transport of bees and installation of apiculture. Legislation.
  7. Beekeeper’s equipment and the nutrition of the honey bees
  8. Queen rearing methods.
  9. Diseases of brood and bees.
  10. Enemies of bees. Bee poisoning from pesticides.
  11. Beekeeper treatment of Autumn and Winter
  12. Beekeeper treatment of Spring and Summer
  13. Honey, Royal jelly and other products.
  14. Wild Bees as pollinators of nature